An island with a gentle landscape dominated by parasitic cones. If a central volcano ever existed it has eroded, long ago. This island, 640 m high, was the first inhabited island of the Archipelago and is endowed with a bizarre collection of stories. Floreana beholds beautiful visitor’s sites.
Punta Cormorant
We land on a beach with olive-colored sand due to the volcanic crystals of magnesium and iron. The trail leads to a brackish lagoon where there are flamingos (the pinkest in the world) surrounded by palo santo trees. Pass through a rich variety of plant life to reach a soft coral sand beach where sea turtles lay their eggs in the sand dunes. Stingrays and black-tipped sharks swim along the shallow water.
Post office Bay
Here in the 18th century, the whalers opened an unofficial post office in the form of a barrel. This barrel has been in service ever since and the cost of postage has not gone up a single penny.
Devil’s Crown
This shallow sunken crater makes for one of the best snorkeling sites in Galapagos. The almost completely submerged volcano offers snorkelers the chance to play in the water with sea lions. See a wide variety of colorful fish in the clear blue water. One must be a good swimmer as currents can be very strong.
The plants found here are morning glory, cutleaf daisy, lentana peduncularis, sesuvium portulacastrum, palo santo, scalesia villosa, nolana galapagensis, poligalasacti-georgii. We can also see greater flamingo, pintail duck, common stilt, brown pelican, common gallinule, audubon shearwater, medium tree finch, yellow warbler.
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