This 14 sqkm2 island is the tip of a submerged shield volcano that rises 76 meters above sea level. Its central crater is filled with salt water.
Darwin Bay
Located in the northeast section of Galapagos. Tower is an outpost for many seabirds and is a favorite among birders. Darwin Bay is actually the caldera of an extinct, partially eroded volcano. With the surrounding cliffs forming the inner portion of the rim in a forest of salt bush, we find colonies of nesting great frigate birds and red-footed boobies. A coral beach offers an opportunity for a swim. This calm bay offers a chance to explore by sea kayak.
In this bay we can find the masked booby, great frigatebird, red billed tropic bird, swallow-tailed gull, lava gull, marine iguana, storm petrel, short-eared owl, brown pelican, yellow crowned night heron, Galapagos dove, large ground finch.
Prince Philips Steps
Usually we visit this place by boat (panga) along the base of the cliffs. We climb up a steep rock staircase. At the top, the trail leads to an open area of nesting masked boobies and red-footed boobies that are perched on branches of Palo Santo trees. Storm petrels are found in the open lava fields at the end of the trail, which are prey for the short-eared owls.
Here you can find masked booby, great frigatebird, red-footed booby, red-billed tropic bird, swallow-tailed gull, lava gull, marine iguana, storm petrel, short-eared owl, brown pelican, yellow crowned night heron, Galapagos dove, large ground finch.
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